Virtual Environment 101

What Is A Virtual Environment ? A virtual environment is a Python environment such that the Python interpreter, libraries and scripts installed into it are isolated from those installed in other virtual environments, and (by default) any libraries installed in a “system” Python, i.e., one which is installed as part of your operating system. In […]

Deploying A Simple FLASK REST APP To Heroku

What Is Flask ? It’s a micro framework for writing web applications based on Python. Why Micro ? Flask provides everything you need to build a full fledged web application but leaves the users with flexibility of choice regarding different components they want to use such as database, template engines & so no. What Is […]

Django Default Project And App Files Explained

Django follows the 3 tier MVT architecture where Model contains real world objects View contains the business logic and Template contains the frontend code. As with any other web application framework, Django provides a project structure to get you started. The article is intended to explain some of these files and their purpose. Project Specific […]

PyPI, PiP And Packages

One of the major reasons for the rise in popularity of Python is the availability of a large number of packages developed by the community which cater to a variety of requirements ranging from simple tasks of processing excels to more complicated ones like implementing a complex machine learning algorithm. Even though Python comes in […]

Exception Handling In Python

Errors and Exceptions The General Picture A big part of writing software is being able write proper exceptions and return meaningful data back to the user which explains what went wrong so that they can take proper action and avoid the mistake in future executions. Why is Exception Handling Necessary ? A simple answer to […]

Function and Docstrings In Python

Functions in any language are used to group code that is intended to perform a repetitive task. They are integral part of any programming and Python is no different, you can write functions here as well. The underlying idea is the same as any other programming language with minor difference in syntax of declaring, defining […]

Statements in Python

The article will cater to basics of the if-else, for loop and while loop concepts in Python. It’s target audience is freshers, people who are new to Python but have some programming background or seasoned professionals looking to brush up their concepts. Since there is not much to write about the concepts in a theoretical […]